There's nothing like Christmas morning to take you back to your childhood. A sleepless night; waking up early to go downstairs; opening the presents one by one; taking the rest of the day to play with the toys Santa left for you. You were the happiest person in the world.
Well, unless you got a WTF present. Like some napkins, or half a cue stick.
These folks from around the world recently went online to share the worst gifts they ever received. Here's hoping your friends and family know better than to buy you any of these doozies...
43. A Coupon of Luck
Despite being my grandma's favorite grandson, I inherited nothing when she passed away, except for a Walmart coupon. Perplexed, I decided to redeem it at the store. To my astonishment, the coupon turned out to be a winning entry for a grand prize sweepstakes. I was awarded a substantial sum of money, fulfilling my grandma's wish to provide for my future. Her unconventional gift turned out to be the greatest inheritance of all.
[/media-credit] Image by Unsplash
42. Merry XXXmas
41. Literal blood and tears
40. Merry Christmas -- here's some wetnaps
39. Nana for the win
38. Thanks for that subtle hint, mother-in-law
A book called "Dr. Phil's Relationship Rescue."
37. This is just delusional
36. Right on cue
35. Kids love Tupperware
34. Tacky Duck
33. Light of my life
It was really heavy, thick glass. It came out of a warehouse. There is absolutely no reason I would need anything beyond a flood light for the house.
32. Fun for the whole family
This was 3 years ago and he's never let up that he wasn't serious. I think it was a thoughtful "I know you two are having issues as new parents, here's something that might help you reconnect and be happier together and as individuals." He's a very odd hippy duck but very sweet in his weird ways.
31. Basket: revoked
30. Um... your mom is the worst
It gets worse... she got my family tickets to see a Broadway, berated me whenever I ate or drank anything and then a few weeks later sat me down to tell me (an adult living in her own place with her fiancé) that she was forcing me to go to Weight Watchers because "now your brother has finished his gastric band weight loss, everyone can really see how fat you are. It makes me look bad"...
And she wonders why I had to take antidepressants in the first place!
29. Love is an art
28. Quite an obelisk
27. That's just... unfathomably mean
26. Medical socks
25. This Santa is lucky he's secret
24. This is why I don't accept clothes as gifts
23. Here's a thing you're not allowed to use!
22. What kind of mom makes a 12-year-old buy their own clothes?!
You may be wondering how my mom expected me to buy my own clothes. Well. I had been taking care of my siblings for the prior four years while my mom taught piano lessons. But I wasn't paid for that. I did get $2 an hour to be someone's babysitter the summer before (two kids, biked them to and from gymnastics), so I was making like $80 a week. Which was seriously nothing for what I was doing.
Her logic was that I didn't wear the clothes she bought so I could just buy my own. We don't speak anymore.
21. The deceptively big box
20. Free is free
19. A harsh but valuable lesson
18. R.I.P. Snape
My mom called me the day Alan Rickman died to ask if I'd heard the news. IIRC it was a little after the holidays, and she told me later in the conversation she had one more surprise Christmas gift she had forgotten to give me.
I did not realize these things were linked until the next time I visited and she surprised me with a portrait of Alan Rickman as Prof. Snape. She said she bought it the day he died, just for me. I have no particular affinity for the actor or the character. It's also sitting in my closet.
17. Gotta hand it to you
16. Woman can never be happy without kids... right?
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
15. You're gonna dress like Kathie Lee
Photo by Artem Beliaikin @belart84 from Pexels
14. Berserk buttons
For my 35th birthday, my mom cut some rags from my dad’s old T-shirt’s. She very lovingly folded them and tied them with a ribbon. She also gave me a box of assorted buttons.
13. Clueless or malicious? You decide
My mother is the master at giving ‘WTF’ gifts to my wife. With her, it is hard to tell if she intends them to be insulting or is just clueless.
12. Diamonds are forever
11. Towels on towels
10. That's subtle
9. The penniless millionaire
8. Noodle snob
7. Oh, those Jacob Boys
I once got posters of the Jonas Brothers and Zac Efron even though I never was into any of them -- the biggest extent of my familiarity with them was the teen pop magazines I read at the time. My grandpa was so proud to have found these posters of the "Jacob Boys" and "Ethan Fratts," however.
How times change. It's all about Billy Eyelash and Cardigan B now.