Getting rejected is always a bad time. But when the person is respectful and honest, it hurts less. Just tell me you see me more as a friend, rip the band-aid off, and let me move on with my life.
On the other hand, when the reason you're rejecting is frivolous, stupid, or nonsensical, matters can be much worse -- although hopefully, in time, you'll at least be left with a weird story. Like the people below! They recently went online to share the most absurd and galling reasons they ever got rejected. Enjoy!
60. I wish nothing but pain on those guys
59. The best worst rejection
58. Dead on the fourth of July
57. That's an uncomfortable bus ride
In 2nd grade, I built up the courage to tell this girl Casey I liked her. I only told my friend Daniel how I felt. I got off on her bus stop (3 blocks from mine). I started walking towards her and said, "Hi Casey, I..." She interrupts me and yells, "Why did you get off the bus? I don't like you and I don't want you to ever talk to me. Daniel told me everything! Just leave me alone forever!"
I was pretty broken up about it. I marched right to my friend Daniel's house to kick his butt, but his aunt told me he had moved that day. Daniel, if you are out there... screw you!
56. Well... I know now
55. Can you try again when I'm out of options?
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54. Thanks for the ride, loser
53. Come up with a better excuse
52. A complete 180
Photo by Brittani Burns on Unsplash
51. I can't imagine how much courage that takes
50. Ringing off the hook
49. There is no privacy on the internet
One time back in the day of AOL instant messenger this girl was talking to me for a few hours. We had been friends for a few years and I had always like her but she didn't know that.
Well, this night she was bugging me about "who I liked" and wanted to know so bad. Eventually after probably an hour of deflecting the question, changing the subject, or straight-up saying it's private I say, "You." She responds with, "Ok well I have to go now bye."
But it gets so much worse.
Keep reading on the next page.
49. There is no privacy on the internet (cont'd)
48. Love until first sight
47. I literally would have sued her
46. A terrible rejection from the other side
45. In hindsight...
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
44. The Cheshire cat
Photo by Kelvin Valerio from Pexels
43. Can I pencil you in for three months from now?
Photo by from Pexels
42. Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen
41. You dodged a bullet
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40. Is there no nicer way to say that?!
39. I think he's the confused one
38. Some people never grow up
I was in 9th grade when this happened. This guy and I had been talking on the phone and texting for half of that year before he dropped this bomb on me:
"Sorry, it's over. My parents found out you’re black." Hangs up.
I ended up moving away and he called me out of the blue once we both moved out of our parents' houses and into college dorms. Stupid me, I thought to myself, “maybe moving out has broadened his horizons.”
Not even 2 minutes into the call he began laughing at my voice, mocking me, and saying racist stuff.
37. Thanks for being my practice
36. Is it so hard to tell the truth?
35. The mourning after
34. Sounds like she has a lot going on...
33. I love (parts of) you so much
32. It's important that both people are equally invested
31. Send in the clowns
30. Ramp it up
29. It starts early
28. I'll be right here waiting
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27. "He's got a great sense of humor"
26. Two years?!
25. That's just unfair
24. Bowling for nothing
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23. The mouth of god
Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels
22. What a waste of skin
His exact words, “I would date you but I don’t want my friends making fun of me for dating a fat chick.”
Years later and I still think of this every time I look in the mirror.
Me and the guy were hooking up at the time. I had zero intention of dating him as he was 2 years younger than me and did not give any indication that I wanted to date, which made the statement confusing.
4 years later and the guy still has my number and Snapchat. He hits me up when he’s in town to hookup. I always say “no”. Last time he texted me was last week.
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels
21. Time flies
20. Bad Santa
17. Merry Marryin' Mary
Photo by Danielle Pilon from Pexels
16. Ghost relationship
Photo by bruce mars from Pexels
15. Way to let it go, dude
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14. Ifs, ands, butts
13. But hey, who's counting?
12. And I thought I was petty
11. This is the opposite of empathy
I use a wheelchair. He dumped me because of it by saying, "When I'm with you, I'm disabled, too!"
I would have much rather he told me I was just an unpleasant person or had body odor, because at least those are things I could have changed, you know?
Photo by Judita Tamošiūnaitė from Pexels
10. Size matters
Photo by Binyamin Mellish from Pexels
9. Mixed messages
Photo by vjapratama from Pexels
8. More money, more problems
7. It seems your path leads directly downhill
6. This is a Jerry Seinfeld reason to dump someone
Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels
5. Sorry for liking you
4. Don't take 'no' for an answer
2. What a Christmas present
Photo by Matan Segev from Pexels
1. Does art mirror life or the other way round?
I'm pretty sure I got dumped because of an episode of Community.