Has it ever happened to you? You see or experience something so incredible, improbably, or strange that you just know there's no point telling anyone else because they'll never believe it. Well, it definitely happened to these people. Fortunately, they went online to share their stories, and we snatched them up. What do you think? Are they telling the truth?
37. Nobody believes the heron either
36. Da ba dee da ba die
35. That's mercy for you
34. Don't make your kids put clowns in their bedrooms
33. Ghosts need to lift too
32. Sometimes the universe looks out for you
31. He's got radioactive blood
30. How to save a life
29. Battle of the birds
28. I am that I am
27. Black panther
26. Squirrel and a nut
25. Life is a game of inches
24. Jaws
23. Your doubt stings me
22. Stranger things
21. The aristocats
20. A real shocker
19. The haunted forest
18. To thank a mockingbird
I was up early and killing time on the computer before leaving for work. I hear a tap on my front window. I assumed it was my father in law who lives across the street. I pull back the curtain and there's a juvenile mockingbird sitting on my window. It made a weird croaking noise and flew away. I go back to reading. About a minute later, I hear the tap again, pull back curtains, same bird. It made eye contact, made a sound, then flew to a branch in front of the window.
My wife was still in bed and I didn't want her to think I was leaving for work so I call to her "I'm going outside, there's a bird trying to get my attention". I go out the front door and the bird is gone, but a utilities truck is just then pulling to a stop in front of our meter. We forgot to pay the water bill. I told the guy to give me a chance to pay it, and I drive down to the office to pay the bill.
If that bird hadn't warned me, our water would have been shut off and we wouldn't have known until I was already gone for the day. The only reason anyone believes me is I told my wife prior to opening the door.
17. The one that got away
16. Rock, paper, owl
15. Latrine lovers
14. Phrasing!
My life is akin to a bad pun at times. I was carrying my skis, slipped on some ice, and fell down. I asked a passing girl if she could lend me a hand with the skis while I got up. She then told me she had no arms, and proceeded to wave her empty coat sleeves around as proof. I just kind of fumbled to get up whilst apologizing profusely. She giggled and walked away.
13. Are you a Disney princess?
I've had numerous wild creatures come up to me at random times, with absolutely zero fear. In college, I was walking through the woods that stretched between my dorm and the football field (where I parked my car). There was this clearing that overlooked the field, and the track team was practicing. My roommate was a vaulter, so I stopped to watch for a little bit, and leaned up against a tree.
I had an apple in my purse, and eventually I felt this little nudge; a fawn had come up and was nosing my bag. I stood stock still and just let it sniff me, and saw Momma deer was a few feet away. Very slowly, I reached into my bag, and baby bounded away. I took the apple and set it on the ground, and walked away really slowly. Later that afternoon, I was cutting through the woods again, and the apple was still there, but with bites out of it.
I've also been hiking and had squirrels and bunnies come up to me with no issue. Birds will land near me and not fly away. It's pretty awesome, but because it will only happen when I'm alone, I don't tell anyone. It's like my own little secret
12. I am the storm
11. This is what people mean when they say "it's complicated"
10. I'll never tell
9. Sure beats walking
I was eating at a Chipotle one day when a helicopter landed right there in the parking lot, and motored down. The guy hopped out, grabbed a burrito, and then took off in his helicopter again.
8. The curse of Atlanta
7. Ungrateful
6. It's a Wonderful life
5. Wrong place, wronger time
4. Bouncing back
3. Drop it like it's hot
2. I shall name him Elon Tusk
I live in Canada - just north of Toronto.
One night, I woke up around 3am to get a glass of water from fridge. From our kitchen, you can see out into the driveway and front yard. In the cul-de-sac across the street, I saw a big, dark shape moving but I didn't really think much of it. I walked over to the window. I paused. I looked again.... Paused... And then it hit me... There is an elephant outside. In Canada. In my neighbourhood.
For about 30 seconds, I stared at this thing lumbering around slowly. It was picking at trees with its trunk, but generally not doing much.
I figured my wife makes better decisions than I do, so I went back to the bedroom to wake her up.
When I dragged her to the window, it looked like the elephant had disappeared from the cul-de-sac. This greatly angered my sleepy wife. I had almost started doubting myself when she yelled, "OH MY GOD THERE'S AN ELEPHANT ON OUR STREET."
I decided the only rational thing to do was try to lure the elephant onto our lawn. So I opened the window and performed my best elephant call. It sounded like a "chi-chi-chi" noise. This greatly pleased the beast. It started walking towards our house, and stepped over our little boxwood shrubs. The sight of the approaching elephant terrified my wife, so she fled the room after slamming the window shut.
So here I was, staring face to face with an elephant. At 3am. In Canada. Less than 8 feet away. It just sorta stood there checking me out for a bit. My wife started yelling that she was calling the police from somewhere in the back of the house.
I assume that the elephant heard we were calling the police, so he decided to leave.
We learned the next day that there actually were three elephants that escaped a local traveling circus near by, but only two decided to walk through our neighbourhood. No one really believed me until the story hit the news around noon the next day.
1. Toy story