Oh wow, that was so sweet of you. You're always so kind.
I really admire the way you dress too. I think it's so refreshing that you don't ...follow the trends.
And how terribly brave of you to wear that bikini. You just don't care what anyone thinks!
Are you cringing yet? We all deal with passive-aggression all the time. It's what people do when they can't come right out and attack you without causing more trouble than you're worth. It's annoying to be on the receiving end of it, but dishing out passive-aggressive revenge can certainly be therapeutic.
These people from all over the world recently went online to share their best tales of passive-aggressive behaviour. Embrace the meanness!
Photo by Hean Prinsloo on Unsplash
62. Could've just said "you look bad"
61. Is the the mom from Everybody Loves Raymond
60. They are chicken
Photo by Lukas from Pexels
59. Facebook has increased passive-aggression by 10,000%
58. Pennies from heaven
57. Stuck on the elevator
56. Picture imperfect
55. I love doing this to impatient drivers
54. A penny for your thoughts
53. That's your mess
52. I do voodoo
51. What is it with roommates and dishes?
50. Throw candy at my face
49. Can't sell it? We'll give it away
Image by Rex Medlen from Pixabay
48. Rough smoothie
47. Smile at me; or don't
46. These lightbulbs are MINE
45. Seat hogs need to be arrested
44. Cold as ice
43. A passive-aggressive mugging
42. A sociopath with no cunning whatsoever
41. Let me buzz you in -- or not
At my work, for visitors to get into the building, I need to buzz them in. There are big signs saying to ask the front desk for directions to where you're going. Very often people just walk by and expect me to just let them in and walk around the building willy nilly.
Something like 90% of people who are just visiting will get lost, bother the other workers who are trying to work and have no clue where the person who they're looking for is, come back and ask where to go.
When they're being jerks, I'lI just stare at them and wait. They'll usually tug on the door, glance at me, tug again, read the sign, then tug again for the last time. All this time I'll just stare at them.
Then when they come up to me, I ask very innocently if I can help them and when they say the door is locked, I will give them the most sincere, "Oh I can open it for you, why didn't you just say so?"
For the extra special individual, I'll buzz the door while they walk away from my desk, making them run a bit and then I'll let go of the button a second before they reach it causing the inevitable tugging war with the door that will never lose.
40. Get on your soapbox
39. Video game addict
38. Get off my lawn
37. Some say she's still there to this day
36. Be careful what you wish for
35. The loser team
34. Why can't we just communicate?
33. Get trashed
32. Share the road
31. Forbidden love and laundry
30. Butts for bowls
29. Mom is a savage
28. "Enjoy scrubbing my pee into your skin you cow"
27. The dish-unwasher
The best part is we are purchasing more expensive, robust washing tablets to combat the apparent poor job the dishwasher does. That is obviously not working, so 3 weeks from now we are having a new dishwasher put it.
I will not be beaten.... mwah ha ha!
26. "You putrid vat of slime"
25. Battle of the bands
24. Passive-aggressive uncle revenge
23. A hot tip
22. Politeness is the key
21. Girl gets back on a mega creep
20. Dogs can be passive-aggressive too
19. At least you realized you were the bad guy
18. Beware a jealous mother
17. Don't rock the boat
16. Passive-aggressive wedding toasts
15. The old man and the tools
14. Inconsequential yet infuriating
13. A wedding is a great time to bring up the past
12. The disabled parking space
11. Finally one where the neat freak is the bad guy
10. The boyfriend is here to stay
9. Go ahead, have a drink
8. Nothing hurts like getting fired by a 13-year-old
7. Snotty cheerleaders get what's coming to them
My mother does event services and deals with groups that book the venue. One time she had a cheerleading competition and the girls were really mean. After one group yelled at my mom and talked down to her because she told them they couldn't leave their things in the hallway unattended, they then proceeded to walk off and told my mom to go to [bleep] herself.
This was about 3 hours before they performed. My mom's job has a strict "unattended bag" policy. My mom calls it in: bomb squad and bomb sniffing dogs come. These girls had items they needed for competition in the bags. After the all-clear was given, all the bags were confiscated and brought to security.
Girls show back up for the bags - they are all gone. (They have an hour left until they perform at this point) So of course they start freaking out.
6. That's the best revenge I've ever heard
5. Cheater gets what she deserves
4. How cold is 10 degrees?
3. Group work is a nightmare
2. Maybe you should care more about your kids than WoW
1. Don't mess with someone who has all your information