If you've ever had to take a driving test, you know how stressful it can be. Someone is sitting next to you, watching everything you do, coldly issuing instructions, and taking notes on every little thing. If you manage to tick all the boxes, you get to drive home; if not, your family and friends will make fun of you for failing your road test.
The point is, even in a best case scenario, driving tests stink. But when things go bad? Oh boy, do they ever go bad.
These people from all around the world recently went online to share their driving test fail stories. Always check your blind spot.
35. Close call or what!
34. Step one
33. It's important to remember how dangerous cars can be
32. Next time let them hit you
31. Sorry, I have to take this
30. The rain it raineth every day
29. Pole to pole
28. Yeah, that's a problem
Drive extra careful around pharmacies. It's usually crowded with old people. It's one of the few places they need to drive to.
27. That's gonna be an automatic fail
26. Lanes are generally one-way
25. Training day
24. Zigged when you shoulda zagged
The road was splitting and there was a median and for some reason she took the left side. Worst part was that there was the median, so we had to drive on the wrong side until there was an opening to go back over.
23. Ditching the test
22. This is genuinely terrifying
21. Who tests the testers?
20. This isn't Fast & Furious
19. Winning by failing
18. My bad, dawg
17. The rules are the rules
16. Axe crazy
15. I am the law!
14. When you hit the person testing you, it's not going well
13. Big truck, no luck
12. Third time is the charm
11. Backseat drivers
10. Getting them on technicalities
9. An emergency stop or a stop emergency
8. Making an entrance
7. “Why are they all mad at me?"
6. If that's illegal, then lock me up
5. Okay, maybe fourth time is the charm
4. You gotta really sell it to them
3. What a crook!
2. Lady, you have issues
1. Control your emotions