When children cry, we're all hardwired to respond with utmost concern. "What's bothering you?" "Are you hungry?" "Does it hurt?" But with toddlers, the reasons why they get upset often make little to no sense. Moreover, they're often hilarious.
These people from all over the world recently went online to share the funniest irrational tantrums their toddlers have thrown.
50. Well, she needs it for her tax returns!
49. He'll be back again some day
48. Karma gets you eventually
47. Some of my best friends are fictional
46. Fresh ingredients are key
45. Stop being so delightful!
44. For me, it was behind the armchair
43. Aww, this one's really cute
42. Yeah, time sucks
I provoked a crazy tantrum when we explained to my roommate's 5-year-old son that he was NOT born first. His 14-year-old brother will be older than him forever and there is no changing that. The poor kid lost it. We ruined his world. The more he wrapped his head around the facts, the angrier he got. It culminated in him slapping his big brother who was totally unaware of any of this and calling him out for ruining his life.
41. That phrase makes me super uncomfortable
40. All toddlers are nihilists
39. An eye for an eye
38. Don't do what I say!
37. The juice is loose
36. C is for cookie
35. Maybe she just holds a grudge
34. Tying yourself in knots
33. He screams for (not) ice cream
32. The existential pain of the toddler
Two year old walks into my office.
31. The gas has passed
30. You could just paint it
29. Going up
28. Thirsty ones
27. All songs are Baby Shark
26. Bring the park to me
25. No matter what you say, it's wrong
24. Tug-o-poop
23. Crayon brain
22. Liquids always cause trouble
21. Future dictator
20. Won, Forrest, won
19. How to raise a Brony
18. Children really are little totalitarians
17. There's no winning with toddlers
16. What's wrong with purple?
15. That's what cell phones are for!
14. He ignores me too
13. Home for a rest
12. He likes the idea of dinosaurs
11. Doctor No
10. It's just physics, buddy
9. My other daddy
8. Hold me, don't hold me
7. In any order you please
6. Imaginary jealousy
5. Kid loves lawn care
4. I want it my way
This happened with with an 18-month-old girl (babysat her until she was 2.5 and we had this same problem until the day I left).
"Alright, who's ready to go to swimming class?"
"Great! So let's put on your swimsuit." Puts on her swimsuit.
"And now let's get some clothes."
Usually took me quite some time to explain to her that I wasn't gonna take her to swim class if she wasn't wearing actual clothes, especially in winter.
"Do you wanna go swimming?"
"Well then you need clothes."
"Then we can't swim."
"I wanna go to the pool!"
"Then you need clothes." And round and round we went until the end of time.
3. Biv it to me, baby
Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels