Blurring The Lines Between Right And Wrong: The 20 Coolest Comic Book Vigilantes
These Heroes Aren't Afraid To Dance Around The Law
Sometimes, the road to justice can be a bit more complicated than just doing the right thing. For these 20 iconic comic book vigilantes, they're more than familiar with breaking a few rules just to get what they want. And while their intentions might be pure, their actions are usually far from what the law will allow. From Batman to Catwoman, how many on this list are you familiar with?
1. Batman
Arguably the most perfect description of a vigilante, Batman is the hero we all need, but not one we deserve. Patroling the night scene in Gotham, Bruce Wayne brings criminals to justice by his own means. The way he goes about things can be pretty intense, so while his heart is generally in the right place, he follows his own code that the law doesn't always agree with (or approve).
2. Nightwing
Using the alias Nightwing, Richard Grayson followed the footsteps of his mentor, Batman, by becoming a vigilante in the streets of Gotham City. Though he's more prominently known as the leader of the Teen Titans, his excellent combat skills have definitely made him a name to be feared. You're definitely in for a world of pain if you come across him at night.
3. Catwoman
Though Selina Kyle may be classified as a burglar and thief, her role in the DC universe is much more complicated than that. While she's not afraid of doing what it takes to get what she wants, her unique relationship with Batman has often found herself on the side of justice, just away from law enforcement. Often hidden beneath the shadows, Catwoman is certainly a sneaky vigilante.
4. The Punisher
While you might call him more of an anti-hero, the Punisher is exactly what his name stands for. Going after criminals and giving them what he believes they deserve, this violent and aggressive character does technically only go after the bad guys. His methods and actions certainly don't sit well with the government and law enforcement though.
5. Blade
Our favorite vampire-hunting vigilante, Blade doesn't just have a cool name, he's a talented weaponist with exceptional martial arts skills that has every vampire running for the hills. With most of his missions being done far from the law's knowledge, he performs best when he takes care of things on his own.
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6. Damian Wayne
It seems like everyone with close ties to Batman ends up living his troubled lifestyle. Damian Wayne, the biological son of Bruce Wayne, is a hot-headed, self-absorbed, and violent vigilante with impressive fighting skills to back it up. He eventually takes on the role of Robin and learns to fight crime alongside Nightwing and his father, but he's often far more aggressive and heartless.
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7. Ghost Rider
Stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze certainly had his life turned upside down when he took on the persona of Ghost Rider. This supernatural vigilante holds unbelievable strength and power when in this form, making him an opponent that'll send shivers down any criminal's spine. And they should be scared, because Ghost Rider isn't afraid of tormenting and punishing his captives.
8. Daredevil
Though Matt Murdock may seem like an innocent lawyer, he hides a deep and dark secret. Wearing a horned mask to hide his identity, this blind vigilante runs around Hell's Kitchen fighting crime in a brutal manner. Though he fights for justice, that doesn't mean the line isn't sometimes blurred -- especially when you consider how aggressive and violent he can be with his enemies.
9. The Huntress
Though many have taken on the mantle of the Huntress, with Helena Bertinelli and Helena Wayne being the most famous, she has consistently been an incredibly strong vigilante in the DC universe. One of her most iconic storylines was her transformation into becoming a ruthless vigilante after growing obsessed with taking down criminals who killed her family.
10. The Green Arrow
With some saying that the Green Arrow is one of tthe most politically-involved superheroes in the DC universe, it makes sense why this talented marksman turned into a vigilante. By targeting crime on the streets, he's able to bring justice to everyday folk. However, his lack of fear in going toe-to-toe with authority doesn't make him a favorite for law enforcement.
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11. Black Canary
As a member of a crime-fighting family, it seems like Dinah Lance's path was already written for her when she was born. Shop owner by day and vigilante by night, she's a scary opponent to meet in any alleyway. Not only is she exceptionally skilled at combat, she possesses an ability called the Canary Cry which allows her to destroy objects in her path thanks to the ultrasonic scream.
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12. Cassandra Cain
Cassandra Cain has taken on many aliases throughout her life, including notable vigilantes like Batgirl and Black Bat. Like the rest of the bat family, she isn't a superhuman but makes up for it with her amazing hand-to-hand combat skills and intelligence. Wanting to bring justice to the streets of Gotham, she is a worthy protege of Batman.
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13. Harley Quinn
We know some of you are scratching your heads seeing Harley Quinn on this list but let us explain. While she's commonly believed to be a villain thanks to her ties with the Joker, her role is much more complex than that. Since stepping away from her relationship with said supervillain, she's gone on many vigilante missions alongside the Bat family. In a way, she's very much a redeemed villain.
14. Rorschach
A less familiar name, Rorschach is a unique character introduced in the Watchmen series. This masked vigilante sees the world in pure black and white; either you're good or you're evil. With such straightforward thinking, it leads him to act quickly to punish and remove any and all sources of evil. Everything he does is very much on his own terms.
15. Deadpool
While most people love getting a hilarious kick from Deadpool who is known for his erratic and spontaneous behavior, it's important to remember he's wickedly strong too. When he really puts his mind to it, he's not afraid to do anything it takes to accomplish his goal. And we're all very familiar with how unafraid he is with stepping into grey territory the law does not approve of.
16. Katana
Named after the dangerous weapon she's highly skilled at, Katana is a vicious vigilante on a mission. Her goal: doing everything in her power to get rid of evil, even if it means brutally attacking and punishing criminals. Let's just say she's not afraid to get down and dirty.
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17. Jessica Jones
Once just a talented private investigator, Jessica Jones turned into a superhuman with unbelievable strength, flight, and the ability to block telepathic abilities, to become a worthy vigilante fighting for justice. Not afraid to step on the law's toes, she's repeatedly protected New York City on her own.
18. Luke Cage
Branded a hero in Harlem, Luke Cage is likely the last person you ever want to face. Essentially indestructible, he also possesses superhuman strength and stamina that make it easy for him to chase down whatever criminal he wishes. Despite an Anti-Vigilante Act being set in place, he isn't afraid to step outside the boundaries if it means taking down criminals who deserve it.
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19. Azrael
Only true fans will know the character Azrael! This powerful vigilante is not one to underestimate; he has partnered up with Batman numerous times to track down criminals in Gotham, even taking up the mantle at one point. He is incredibly ruthless, unafraid to take someone's life if it was what he thought was the right course of action. Turns out Batman isn't the only one running these streets.
20. Spider-Man
You may be thinking, "Spider-Man? A vigilante? He's a superhero!" but when you really think about it, Peter Parker is simply a teenager running around New York fighting crime. While he may be classified as a friendly neighborhood hero, he's definitely not all that to the law enforcement patroling the city. Spider-Man's got his own thing going on.