10 Reasons Why Living In The Harry Potter Universe Would Suck & 10 Why It'd Be Awesome
10 Reasons Why Living In The Harry Potter Universe Would Suck & 10 Why It'd Be Awesome
Is The Wizarding World As Great As It Sounds?
The Harry Potter franchise is one of the most popular in the world, drawing in fans from so many different countries. While we might not share the same language, we do share the same love and wish that we could all be witches and wizards too. But have you really weighed the pros and cons of living in the Wizarding World before? Sure, magic is cool, but there are a couple of downsides you really shouldn’t ignore. Here are 10 reasons why living in this magical universe would suck and 10 reasons why it wouldn’t. Did we change your mind?
1. No Technology
While you get to play around with magic, say goodbye to your beloved cellphone if you want to enter the amazing wizarding world. After all, did you ever hear about Harry grabbing his phone out of his cloak to text Sirius? Nope, we don't think so. If you're okay with waiting to get messages via owls, maybe you could tough this one out.
2. Poor Justice System
From Hagrid being sent to Azkaban without any proper evidence to Harry nearly being expelled for protecting himself against Dementors, it's obvious that the Wizarding World lacks a proper justice system. As far as we're concerned, you can get thrown into prison for just about anything if someone makes a claim against you!
3. Easy Corruption
With so many Death Eaters working at Hogwarts and in the Ministry of Magic, it seems like turning to the dark side isn't as difficult of a decision as it seems. Thanks to powerful beings like Voldemort lurking around, it can feel like they easily influence everyone.
4. Outdated School Buildings
While yes, Hogwarts looks absolutely amazing and incredibly grand, we can't help but think about how old it is. We're almost certain cobwebs are in every crevice, the bathrooms are old and dirty, and there aren't even any elevators to get us to whatever floor we need to be on!
Jules Marvin Eguilos on Unsplash
5. Danger All Around
Haven't you ever questioned why Harry Potter is in danger every time he goes back to Hogwarts for a new school year? Forget about Dumbledore -- he may be the most powerful wizard alive, but that's apparently not enough to prevent students from getting up close and personal to serious dangers.
6. House Elves
We absolutely adore Dobby and his road to freedom, but when you really think about the house elves and their working conditions, we're hoping you're starting to scratch your head. Treated like nothing and forced to work endlessly for their masters, it's starting to remind you a bit about our own terrible and dark history, don't you think?
7. Lack of Entertainment
It's not just about missing technology, what do wizards do for fun in their free time? While magic and quidditch will definitely keep us occupied for certain parts of the day, what are we supposed to do when we want to watch Netflix? We suppose there's no magic spell that can make that happen for us.
8. Social Hierarchy
It's made evident in the Harry Potter series that "Pure-bloods" have it all. They are the most privileged group of people in this world, making everyone else evidently lower class. We hate seeing the discrimination and clear divide between groups based on your family and bloodline.
9. You're Tracked By The Ministry Until Adulthood
We understand it's for safety reasons, but it's a little weird knowing the Ministry places the Trace on all young wizards. This allows them to detect if any magic is being cast until they turn seventeen. It's just a bit strange knowing they have this information on you at all times.
10. Concerns About Privacy
With Alohamora allowing the user to open up locks so easily, is there really any privacy in the Wizarding World? We feel a bit concerned about keeping our belongings safe when teleportation and lock-breaking spells are available to everyone. What's stopping people from just entering other houses?
1. Magic For Convenience
How easy would our lives be if magic could do all the cleaning for us, bring us objects without having to move, or teleport us from place to place? The number of amazing spells in this Wizarding World is enough to convince us that we would be able to live out our laziest lives yet.
2. Flying On Brooms
From playing Quidditch to simply flying around for fun, we can't get over how cool it'd be to grab a broomstick and just go! Talk about making your dreams of flying like a bird come true! Turns out all we needed was a bit of magic.
3. Easy Transportation
We all talk about how amazing teleporation would be as a superpower, but in the world of Harry Potter, all wizards basically have that for free! Whether you choose to apparate or use the Floo Network, getting from one place to another is as easy as saying the words.
4. Cool Mythical Creatures
While Buckbeak may seem like a scary animal, how wondrous would it be to live in a world where so many cool mythical creatures existed? Read up on Newt Scamander if you're curious about what kind of awesome beasts live in this magical world.
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5. Unique Locations
One of the coolest aspects of Harry Potter is getting to visit all these unique and magical places. From Hogwarts to the Whomping Willow and Diagon Alley, there's just something so enticing about getting to explore these magic-filled areas.
6. Cool Pets
We know dogs and hamsters are pretty cool, but we're sure many of us Potterheads would much prefer a snowy white owl like Hedwig. On top of having a unique and loyal pet, they'd even be able to deliver and send our mail! These intelligent creatures shouldn't be overlooked.
7. Never Forget A Memory Again
Thanks to the Pensieve, which is Dumbledore's memory cabinet found in his office, you'd never have to worry about losing an important memory ever again. Just use some magic to draw the memory out, place it in a safe vial, and review it time and time again should you ever need it.
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8. Unique Classes At School
While wizards do learn about similar topics as us like history and social studies, they have a few more interesting subjects that we'd love to have in real life. Potion-making? Transfiguration? We'd take a guess and say that everyone would be paying more attention in class if they were about topics as interesting as these!
9. Your Very Own Wand
The way wands are described in this universe is as if they're simply an extension of your body. It's like they're a part of you in every way! We think it'd be cool owning such an object that holds so much personal importance, on a physical and emotional level. After all, the wand chooses you, not the other way around.
10. New Sense of Adventure
This magical world that J.K. Rowling has created has resonated with so many people because of how wondrous it feels. Anything feels like it could be possible if magic is involved! Getting to live in this world would reignite anyone's adventurous side, from visiting dragons to flying over cities, it's all in the realm of being doable.