Everyone Loves Cosplaying These Video Game Characters
If you're a fan of video games and love going to conventions, the next time you visit one, we suggest you join in the fun spirit and dress up as a character. Cosplaying is a popular hobby for many, which genuinely takes a lot of effort if you really want to nail the look. There are a few popular characters that always get cosplayed either due to their popularity or how easy the look is to put together. Here are 20 of the most cosplayed video game characters everyone loves going as.
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1. Lara Croft - Tomb Raider
Sexy and simple, Lara Croft is one of the easiest female video game characters to cosplay. It probably has to do with why it's such a popular choice too! As long as you rock the tank top, shorts, and tied up hair, you're already halfway there to completing the look.
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2. Pikachu - Pokemon
This adorable pokemon, which is arguably everyone's favorite, is one of the most popular video game cosplays out there. Not only does this franchise have one of the largest fanbases in the world, but it's also so easy to cosplay as pikachu. All you really need is some yellow clothes and a Pikachu hat with ears to to finish the look.
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3. Princess Peach - Super Mario
Everyone's favorite princess that needs saving, Princess Peach is a popular go to for gamer girls. She's an iconic character in the video game world, making her a common pick. This is one cosplay that will definitely take a lot more effort, from the hair to the frilly dress and the pink parasol. But if you nail it, everyone will know who you are no matter where you are.
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4. Link - The Legend of Zelda
As our beloved green-clothed hero, there's no gaming convention you can go to without seeing Link appear more than a couple of times. Coming from such an acclaimed series of video games, it makes sense why everyone wants to dress up as this character.
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5. Sora - Kingdom Hearts
With his wild hair and giant key, who wouldn't want to rock Sora's style? As the main protagonist to the beloved Kingdom Hearts game, Sora is such a fun character to cosplay. He's got such a unique look to him, you definitely have to put in more than a bit of effort if you want to nail the outfit. But trust us, the compliments you'll get when you do will be worth it.
6. Mario & Luigi - Super Mario
How could you ever miss the opportunity to dress up as the most iconic duo in all of video game history? There's no way anyone at a gaming convention would ever not know who Mario & Luigi are. You'll definitely make a name for yourself as the best looking brothers if you cosplay as them! Besides, the outfit is pretty easy to nail, making it a great low budget, low effort cosplay to do with a friend.
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7. D.Va - Overwatch
Out of all the heroes you can play in Overwatch, there's definitely one standout that receives the most attention from cosplayers. We can almost guarantee you've seen someone dress up as D.Va before, even if you've never played the game. In her bright purple and pink suit, she's a fun character to cosplay that lets you embrace your girly gamer side.
Art DiNo from Lima, Perú on Wikimedia Commons
8. Miles Morales - Spider-Man
While Spider-Man has always been a popular character to dress up as thanks to his numerous movie and TV show appearances, in the gaming world, it's Miles Morales that everyone wants to be. With his sleek-looking black and red suit, he definitely got one of the most stylish costumes you can rock.
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9. Chun-Li - Street Fighter
As one of the most classic, beloved video games out there, of course one of the characters from Street Fighters is on this list. Chun-Li is a favorite for many, apparent thanks to just how many cosplayers dress up as her. In her iconic blue martial arts dress and cute hair style, she's got every girl wanting to be her.
10. Ganyu - Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact is one of the newer games that completely took the world by storm. At every convention you visit now, you'll likely see someone dress up as one of these anime-inspired characters. But out of all the numerous characters in the game, it's Ganyu that's been receiving the most attention. With her pretty blue hair and sexy dress, it'll take a lot of time getting the perfect costume, but when you do, all eyes will be on you.
11. Princess Zelda - The Legend of Zelda
Next to Princess Peach, Zelda is another royal pick that many girls gravitate towards. Made popular by the Legend of Zelda franchise, who wouldn't want to dress up as this blonde-haired beauty? She's got one of the most iconic video game looks everyone will recognize.
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12. 2B - NieR: Automata
With her monochromatic look, 2B sure is a sexy-looking battle robot that caught the attention of many. While she's a great character in the game, it's her iconic look that seriously captured the hearts of gamers around the world. If sleek and cool is what you're going for, we highly recommend dressing as 2B.
13. Jinx - League of Legends
Made even more popular thanks to the hit Netflix show Arcane, Jinx skyrocketed in cosplay popularity thanks to her bold and unique look. Her blue braided hair is just the start! She's got a punk-rock vibe to her that's perfect for someone who wants to stand out, and of course we can't forget about her mega rocket. Definitely dress as Jinx if you want to impress.
greyloch from Washington, DC, area, U.S.A. on Wikimedia Commons
14. Sonic - Sonic The Hedgehog
Everyone's favorite blue speedster, Sonic the Hedgehog gets a lot of love from cosplayers. If you want something that's a bit more low effort, comfortable to wear, and more playful, dress up as this loveable hedgehog. As long as you've got a lot of blue to wear, you can't go wrong.
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15. Kratos - God of War
God of War was one of the most highly acclaimed video games in recent years, making it obvious that Kratos has to be one of the most popular cosplay characters for guys. With his menacing glare, red face paint, and large axe in his hand, you'll definitely have others cowering next you - but in a good way!
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16. Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy is one of the most beloved game franchises in the world, so it makes sense why one of their most popular characters is on this list. People really love Tifa Lockhart, and with her simple character design, it also makes her convenient for cosplayers. There's nothing really fancy about her costume, just a simple white cropped tank, black skirt, and red boots will do the trick. Hey, don't forget about those knee socks though!
17. Ciri - The Witcher
If edgy is what you want, Ciri is the video game character that's perfect for you to model as. With her chic-looking grey hair, cool sword, and shadowy eyes, she certainly has a unique charm to her. And with a relatively easy costume to put together, you'll be channeling Ciri's spirit in no time.
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18. Joel Miller - The Last Of Us
This post-apocalyptic video game touched the hearts of everyone so deeply, they had to go and make a show about it. It just proves that games can have just as impactful storytelling as movies! But with this video game being one of the greatest ever made, Joel Miller has been a popular cosplay pick for years. He's so easy to dress as too - just go for scruffy and you've nailed it! He might dress simple, but trust us, everyone will know who you are.
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19. Geralt - The Witcher
Thanks to Henry Cavill's depiction of Geralt in the Netflix show, this video game character has received more love in recent years. Not that he wasn't cool to begin with of course! With his smooth grey hair, deep scar over his eye, and bulky armor, you'll definitely leave a lasting impression on everyone who walks past you. He really brings out the warrior in everyone.
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20. Nathan Drake - Uncharted
If you've got a dirty white long-sleeved shirt and khaki cargo pants, we'd pretty much say you've got Nathan Drake's outfit complete. It isn't hard to cosplay as this beloved character, meaning everyone always has a last minute option if they want to dress up. That probably has to do with its popularity too!
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