The Best & Worst Champs To Play
Thanks to League of Legends' constant updates and new champion additions, this computer game has managed to stay fun and relevant all these years. And with hundreds on the roster, you get your pick of champion that best suits your game style. But just because there's a lot doesn't mean they're equally strong. Here are 10 of the most broken champions that people complain about and the 10 weakest people are hoping will get reworked.
1. K'Sante
In our eyes, K'Sante is pretty much the definition of a busted champion. Don't just take it from us though, take it from star pro-LCK player, Showmaker, who ranted all about it on his live stream. It doesn't seem fair creating a top lane champion that's tanky, has high damage, and has plenty of agility, does it?
2. Ambessa
Riot Games' newest release inspired from the hit show Arcane, Ambessa is a seriously broken champion everyone is complaining about. When it comes to this ruthless top-laner, she doesn't just come with a hammer - she's got multiple dashes too. Some say she's just the stronger version of K'Sante! Looks like the developers didn't learn their lesson.
3. Smolder
This little fire-breathing dragon may seem cute, but when he calls for mama on the battlefield, it'll have everyone running. Smolder is one of the newest ADCs added to the champion roster, but most wish he got removed. Don't be deceived by his weak early game; once you start building stacks, you'll be the toughest little champion on the map.
4. Zed
Made famous back in the day thanks to Faker's incredible Zed outplay, this champion has remained decently strong all these years. He's a favorite for many not just for his cool design, but for his slippery kit of skills that allows you to trick and attack your opponents. And with high burst damage on top of that, you'll be one annoying mid-laner people don't want to face.
5. Ashe
Whether you play her as a support or ADC, it doesn't really matter - it feels like Ashe always wins regardless. With her awesome mix of slowing abilities and amazingly fast attack speed, her skills are well-suited for whichever role you prefer. On top of that, she's a great flex option if you want to confuse your opponents during draft pick too.
6. Yone
Yone is a popular pick for a number of reasons. Not only does he have the coolest animations and skins, he's a force to be reckoned with thanks to his high damage output. If you manage to get ahead early, it's already game over! And with great teamfighting abilities as an extra bonus, no one ever complains about having Yone on their team.
7. Kai'Sa
If you love standing far away from danger while still providing tons of damage, Kai'Sa is your girl. This popular champion is great in norms and aram. She has exceptional range that keeps you safe from harm, but her ultimate also gives you the choice of moving in close at the blink of an eye. Besides, one hit from her E in the late game and you'll be at half health out of nowhere.
8. Aatrox
At the 2022 and 2023 Worlds tournament, we think it's safe to say that Aatrox really showed what he was made of. The whole world watched in awe as this broken champion changed the game every round. He's the perfect example of a League of Legends character that could 1 vs. 5 if it really came down to it. Now the question is, should that even be allowed?
9. Rell
Another great flex pick in draft, Rell is perfect for going top, support, or jungle. Thanks to her amazing kit of skills, she's able to make the best jungle steals, create the ultimate team engages, and execute the greatest support plays. Talk about a three-in-one champ!
Pikawil from Laval, Canada on Wikimedia
10. Aurora
As one of Riot's newer mages, Aurora was an instant ban in pro play this year. And we're not surprised given how overpowered this champion is! Whether she goes top or mid doesn't matter - whoever is playing against her is going to struggle. Her ultimate is the real difference maker here. Being able to trap and teleport within a small area seems like a cheat code!
Pikawil from Laval, Canada on Wikimedia
1. Yuumi
Everyone's least favorite support, Yuumi gets a lot of hate for her simple and laid-back gameplay. You don't have to do much other than hit your Q and E every couple of seconds! This champion is completely reliant on their ADC and other players - you can't exactly make groundbreaking plays with her.
Ludemeula Fernandes on Unsplash
2. Nautilus
While Nautilus may seem like a good pick, he's actually pretty weak when put into the hands of a normal player. WIth only one option to engage, once you're in you have no chance of getting out. That's why this is an easy to throw champion that can make a lot of mistakes.
3. Elise
When was the last time you saw an Elise in game? Though spiders may terrify people in real life, in League of Legends, there's no such concern. This unique form-swapping champion doesn't really work with current metas and isn't able to do much in game. As a result, she can only step back and try to support her team - which doesn't mean much.
Dave Monk from Seattle, USA on Wikimedia
4. Ryze
Though Ryze is a nostalgic champion that many people are fond of because it reminds them of the early days, he's pretty useless in the current meta. Unable to do anything until late game, he makes little to no impact in the game. And to make things worse, one bad ultimate could cost your team everything.
Claudio Marinangeli on Wikimedia
5. Kennen
We all saw the tragic result of the Worlds 2023 finals when TheShy went into a team fight with a Kennen ultimate that got shut down by his own team member. That's right, this little speedy rodent will likely cause you more trouble than help. Not only is it difficult landing a perfect ultimate in a team battle, he isn't able to do much in lane himself.
Liga Latinoamérica on Wikimedia
6. Teemo
The face of the game, this adorable little ranger may be cute, but you won't be thinking that when he loses you the game. With an incredibly simple set of abilities, you can't exactly make plays with Teemo. While it's fun placing all those mushrooms in aram, you won't be getting that far in Summoner's Rift.
7. Jhin
You may love Jhin's incredibly long range, but do you enjoy how much damage he does? Compared to most ADCs, this champion can be difficult to play with. If you don't get ahead or take advantage of your leads, you'll be stuck in the back doing zero damage to those tanks.
8. Kled
While we can appreciate the creativity behind designing this champion, Kled is arguably one of the least played due to his low win rate. It's safe to say he just feels underwhelming in game. Not able to capitalize on much, he's not someone most players turn to when they need a carry. His ultimate just feels pretty useless at times too.
The Conmunity - Pop Culture Geek from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Wikimedia
9. Singed
Aside from flipping over enemies and running around with a trail of poison, what else can this champion do? Forcing you to get up close and personal with your opponents, it's easy for Singed to start throwing. He's not exactly on our list of greatest playmakers.
10. Corki
Corki may have been a top pick not too long ago, but like with most champions that are too strong, they get nerfed. No longer seeing the same impact he once had, Corki is arguably one of the weaker mid lanes to play in the current meta. What happened to all those high-damage rockets?